VIROGUARD Toilet Cleaner

VIROGUARD Toilet Cleaner

VIROGUARD™ Anti-bacterial toilet cleaner is a highly effective solution to kill germs, remove stubborn stains and odour on toilet bowls and urinals.

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $65.00.

Weight 5 kg

VIROGUARD™ Toilet Cleaner:
◦ Kill germs
◦ Remove stubborn stains
◦ Eliminate odor on toilet bowls and urinals
Special features:
◦ Remove Mildew
◦ Antibacterial protection
◦ De-odourise
◦ Remove tough stains and odour

Weight 5 kg


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Chlorine based bleaching agent(Sodium HypoChlorite), approved fragrance.


store original container tightly closed, away from food material, heat and direct sun. Do not eat drink or smoke while using. Wear impervious gloves.Wash hands after using.Dispose of empty bottle safely.Do not use on coloured fabrics or mix with other chemicals. Strong solutions may react with metals and paints

Instructions For Use
◦ For use in toilet bowls and urinal, approximately 2 cups per litre of water.
◦ For stubborn stains, use undiluted on toilet rim and leave for 20 minutes. Flush and rinse thoroughly.
◦ Remove odours :use undiluted